Professional Affiliations

IEEE Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT)
- President (2004 – 2006)
- Fellow of IEEE (2001)
- CPMT Technical VP (2000 – 2003)
- CPMT Board of Governors (1994 – current)
- Technical Chair 5th & 6th Int. Adv. Pkging Materials Conf. (1999 – 2000)
- Tech & General Chair of 1st and 4th 3D Systems Integration Conf (2010, 2013)
- Assoc Editor – IEEE Trans. on Components and Pkging Tech (2001 – 2005)

Int. Microelectronics & Packaging Society ( IMAPS )
- President (1998)
- Fellow (2000)
- Technical VP (1995 – 1996)
- Technical Chair of the 4th International MCM Conference, Denver, (1995)
- General Chair of Device Packaging Conference , Scottsdale (2010,2011)
- Assoc. Editor – Int. J of Microcircuits and Electronic Pkging (1997–2000)
- Editor of Advancing Microelectronics Magazine (2013)